As the old saying goes, “if there’s a will there’s a way”. Aside from making your patio a good place during winter, putting your patio into use has additional benefits. It lets your patio furniture, outdoor shades, outdoor umbrellas, and the patio itself get warmed up evaporating some of the accumulated moisture.
So here’s what you can do to turn your cold patio into a cozy place. Get a good patio heater or fireplace.

Using electric patio heater is an easy option, it provides radiant heat efficiently and conveniently. It probably adds cost to your electric bill so make it a worthy choice by knowing how to use efficiently. Proper placement matters, face it directly to where you are seated, this way you get heated and you don’t have to set it to its maximum setting.

Another type is an infrared patio heater. It also use electricity to operate and it produces radiant heat. It heats persons and objects directly so somehow it is very efficient to use in an outdoor setup. It just bypasses the cold air in between and provides comforting heat.

Another great idea is installing a patio cover, temporary shelter, or some kind of wind barrier. Many people have done it and building is not so difficult. The goal is to contain the heat and prevent cold air from entering.
Adding comfy cushions and throw pillows to cuddle is also a great help.