The size really matters when buying a cushion for your seat furniture. It is better to select those that fit best for the seats, too tight will create ugly bumps and too loose will make the easy to be displaced when used. Consider the thickness too for it will have an affect to the looks of a seat. Avoid too much thick pad, it will just make your seat shallow and may look funny.
Outdoor cushions are made of different fabrics such as acrylic, polyester, or jacquard and are of different texture. The best choice for outdoor are those cushions with covers resistant to outdoor elements especially water. The outdoor elements can introduce molds or mildew and will also result into wear and tear to the cushion. But make sure the fabric still feels smooth.
Select the right color and color combination that will match with the outdoor furniture, this will make the looks of your decor vibrant. The colors will also enhance the outdoor decoration and can help set the mood of the setup you are creating. You may choose those color that goes with the color of the furniture or those in contrast. The important thing to keep in mind is how it will look to the overall outdoor design. You may pattern the color choice with the outdoor shades as its color is more dominant. It is also nice to see when the cushion goes with the color of the canopy of a patio umbrella.

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