Molds are very unpleasant. They multiply easily and quickly invading and ruining your
patio design. They can even creep into your
outdoor furniture and fixtures inflicting some damage. So removing them as soon as possible becomes important. But do you find it hard to remove mold on patio concrete and bricks? Do feel frustrated seeing that only a few have removed after all your efforts? Well, removing nasty mold on concrete and bricks is easy if you know how.
Fighting mold is struggling against a resilient enemy. To defeat them, you just need to know them very well.
It is a common knowledge that mold grow on humid and moist areas. Now, here is what make them more resilient. Dirt and dust can easily caught on the porous concrete and bricks. They will eventually build up between the grooves and brick lining. The trapped dirt hold moisture making a great recipe for mold to grow, but that does not end there. The absorptive characteristic of concrete and bricks maintains a moist area for molds to thrive even after cleaning.
What makes it so hard to remove? Because concrete and bricks are naturally porous, mold grow deep within the material. Or, perhaps the chemical solution used is not of the right amount and proportion and maybe you did not do it right. There are great ways, like the following, to make removal easy.
Mold removal can be so much better if you use a pressure washer.
The first solution is commonly available in every household, chlorine bleach. Mix the bleach with water and apply it with spay to the affected area. Let it set for a few minutes giving it time to react with the mold but do not let it dry. Rinse thoroughly and see the result. If you noticed it did not remov the mold completely, don’t worry, we will take another step.
The next solution is muriatic acid. This is a very effective cleaning solution but dangerous. Extreme precaution must be applied before using this one. Be sure to wear safety gears such as thick rubber gloves, safety glasses, boots or shoes, and a respirator. Wear used clothing but make it sure that you use long sleeve shirt and pants to cover all your skin.
Before making the mixture, be sure to have a plenty of water and have a running water hose on your side. It will be used to dilute the acid and wash off when some will come in contact with your skin and some unwanted spills.
Important! Keep children away from the working area. After using, dispose the empty bottles properly or rinse it a few times to be very safe. If you keep muriatic acid at home, store it safely away from the reach of children.
Using a plastic bucket, mix 1 part acid to 3 parts water. Wet the area and apply the solution using a cleaning brush. Brush as you go to let the mixture set in the surface thoroughly. Let the acid to react with the mold for about ten minutes and then rinse it thoroughly.
Lastly, if you don’t want to go through these task, then it is best to hire a professional to do the job. Look specifically for mold removal and remediation expert.
We know that the mold problem is caused by dampness. An area that is humid and retaining moisture is most likely to get mold even after cleaning thoroughly. Its is wise to take actions to prevent them from coming back.
Killing mold spores is not applicable in a patio. What we need to do is protecting the concrete and bricks and minimizing the moisture retention.
Consider sealing the brick and concrete. Sealing does two in one, giving a good appearance and protection.
Making your patio dry in a day is also helpful. It minimizes the chance of mold growth. It can easily be done by using the sunlight. Identify areas that are blocked by sunlight all day long. If possible, clear the shades that block the sunlight to let much of the patio space receive a full sunlight even for few hours.
Try to rearrange
patio furniture and take rugs and carpets off sometimes to expose your patio paver to sunlight. If you are using a
patio umbrella, you may close it sometimes when not in use to let the sunshine in.