There are a lot of simple maintenance tasks to keep the beauty and functionality of your patio. But let us examine first what makes a patio livable.

A good ambiance is another important asset for a patio. Patios usually have a nice breeze that you can breathe. But it is not enough because as humans, we need the comfort of warmth especially in the cold night. With the use of a fireplace or a patio heater, we can easily create a comfy ambiance in a cool outdoor space.
The very basic maintenance care is cleaning. This alone eliminates the elements that negatively affect the look and feel of the place. This should be done on a regular basis or as often needed to avoid dirt build up as it would become hard to clean.
Clean the space including the covers and outdoor furniture and fixtures.
Furniture Maintenance
Outdoor furniture items are the essential additions to your patio. They add beauty and functionality to your backyard space. Without them, your patio would be like a barren place.
However, any outdoor furniture cannot completely withstand the punishment of harsh outdoors plus the frequent use. Somehow they will suffer wear and tear, losing the original appearance, and then degrade. So maintenance care is very important to maintain their appearance and condition.
Furniture maintenance is not intensive and really easy if you act fast on every problem. Once you see even just a little issue such as loose screws on a metal furniture, a tiny scratch on wooden chair, or a loose strip on a wicker chair, fix it as soon as possible because these small things can become a bigger problem.
Keep the Covers and Shades On
Patio covers such as patio umbrellas, shade sails, and awnings provide protection for your furniture and fixtures aside from keeping you safe from the sunlight. Their presence is crucial for the benefit of everything and everyone so they need to keep functioning.
Keep the Ambiance Available
Maintain your fireplace making it sure that you can still use it anytime you need. Clean it to allow it to give off heat well. Also make sure that you have some fuel stored to use for the next use.
If you are using an electric fireplace or a portable patio heater, keep it in good condition. There is just one good way to do it, use it. Turn on the unit even for just a few minutes occasionally.
Problems usually arise when they are inactive for a while. Sometimes you can blame insects and pests that make it their lairs. But there’s nothing you can do about it when it’s already late.
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